Archive for astral cord connections

Astral Travel: Your Astral Cord

Posted in Articles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2010 by Vickie Parker

Some people think astral travel is lucid dreaming.  Lucid dreaming allows you to control the outcome of what you are dreaming.

Astral travel is your astral body going out on the astral plane to learn and grow from and with others.  Who are also there to learn and grow.

As you do more of this work you will become aware that you go out in your astral body and meet up with others.

Notice how many of you sometimes wake up feeling like you’re not all there?

This feeling happens when you wake up faster than the astral body can come back and get back in.  But as the day progresses the astral body slowly comes back in and join up with your body.

Some people have a fear that their astral cord will break and they will not come back into their body.  The astral cord can’t break, or get sliced, or dislodged because it is energy and cannot be destroyed.

It is part of us like our spirit or soul or whatever you may call it.