The Windswept Center

Psychic Fair at the Windswept Center

The Windswept Center


Creative Commons License
Anything published to The Windswept Center Blog by Vickie Parker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

5 Responses to “The Windswept Center”

  1. Your blog is amazing, you are so inspiring! Needless to say I love the Video, believe the one for the Winter to Spring Celebration will be done by midday tomorrow. Hope all is well with you and I will be in touch!


  2. ian bishop Says:

    Your blog rocks I think if more people looked at karma that way the world
    would be a better place for all of us. I have loved being a student, and I think your website says it all. Thank you so much for your help
    with your classes and everything I will always be gratefull.

    hugs Ian,

  3. I like this. I think I might take a class this winter. I actually came to your web site looking for a way to leave you a message. I just received my email about the conference call this Monday and just wanted to thank you for hosting these calls every week.

    I am looking forward to this one.

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