Archive for mother was sister in a past life

Recognizing People You’ve Known from Past Lives

Posted in Articles with tags , , , , , , , , on May 27, 2010 by Vickie Parker

Have you ever felt when you first meet someone it feels like you already know them? Do you see a picture of someone in a magazine and you know you’ve met them but can’t place where?  You keep staring at a person across the room from you and don’t know why?  You are responding to the energy of past life connections to people you have interacted with before.

We all have a past life or lives with someone we know.  Could be our mother was a sister during the civil war.  Our brother was a husband in Scotland in 1200 AD.  The lady we know down the street was our grandmother in Australia when the continent came under English control.

I have two friends in this lifetime that were my sisters in previous lifetimes, and one of them has been a twin sister at least 3 lifetimes.  Each one is from different times and different life stories.

All around you are people that you’ve known in previous lifetimes.  You can become aware of them by noticing how you respond to the people you interact with.  They feel familiar or your emotions tell you this person belongs in your life but you don’t know why.  Allow yourself to explore these feelings and find out who the people were in a past life you shared with one another.