Accessing the Akashic Records

A library of knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described to contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. The records are constantly updated and they can be accessed through meditation, visualization, astral projection and during sleep by astral travel. 

 All of us have an akashic record keeper who updates our records so that our records our current.   We also get visits from the record keepers when unexpected major changes or shifts happen in our lives.  They also come and update us when we change something about us as exchanging our old astral body for a new one.

The Akashic Records reside in an area in the Cathedral of Souls which is out on the astral plane.  When we visit this Cathedral we make our way through this huge building to the records area.  Outside of the entrance of the area are Guardians.  We go up to one of them and ask them to show us where our records are and they take us to them.  Our information is located all in one part of the records area and it represents every lifetime and everything we’ve learned since we as a soul began to take a body to learn and grow.

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